
Showing posts from February, 2024

Laser Cut Project

I present to you my finished laser cut project! This is the pattern I had laser cut. My prototype and samples took up more wood than I expected, but luckily, I got another half a sheet of plywood from my friend. This is why I had two smaller patterns rather than one larger one. I think it's quite interesting to compare digital renders and prototypes to the final objects. In terms of fabrication, I didn't encounter too many issues with this project. After all my sheets were cut, I arranged the pieces so I could see and keep track of all the parts I had and what I had to glue. You can see that a few of my parts got a bit cut off my the edge of the sheet. I also ran into a similar problem when making my prototype and I had tried to leave more room around the edges of my good copy, but didn't quite leave enough. I had enough wood left to have these parts re-cut though. I struggled a bit with the gluing process, specifically with lining parts up and getting them to stay while cl